
Master Environmental Plan

RLC has developed an Environmental Master Plan, which aims to improve the environmental standards at the Logistics Center. It addresses waste management and its impact on the surroundings and the local community, as the surrounding areas host Mapuche ceremonies and the Rocuant-Andalién wetland borders it.

Waste management services have been outsourced. The contract was awarded to Empresas Newen, who separate non-hazardous waste, such as cardboard, plastic, wood, scrap metal, etc., and arrange for its disposal, while controlling it using the SMA’s portal. The company has commissioned a warehouse to store hazardous waste and the same company arranges its disposal, which is being authorized by the SMA.

During 2023 the RLC implemented its Master Environmental Plan, by carrying out campaigns and studies that examined fauna, terrestrial noise, flora and vegetation, atmospheric emissions, particulate matter emissions, traffic impact and human environmental impact. The positive results from these studies have led us to submit a Letter of Relevance to the Environmental Authority, which is currently being processed.

Risk Prevention and Safety

A fundamental company concern is caring for its people. This premise drives it to operate a zero-tolerance policy, which requires strict compliance with basic safety standards, regardless of whether the person is employed by RLC or a contractor.

Working at the Rocuant Logistics Center involves risks. Therefore, we make sure that everyone who visits us or works with us feels safe and can perform their duties without problems. Accordingly, we have safety protocols at the entrance, we arrange appropriate inductions and reinforce safety measures.

RLC’s internal safety policy is based on uniform criteria. Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) meetings are held every month and attended by risk prevention officers from all our contractors. These meetings plan incident prevention criteria, reach agreements, introduce changes and review each company’s monthly reports.

This measure has ensured that Camanchaca’s philosophy has been transferred to our contractors, there is now greater cohesion regarding safety issues and better communication between risk prevention teams.

  • Download our Prevention Policy

Camanchaca Amiga

At the corporate level, Camanchaca develops the community linkage program called Camanchaca Amiga with which it seeks to promote and develop actions in the areas of operation that focus on one of the three pillars prioritized by the company:


Healthy lifestyle

Environmental Care